What We Believe

THE GOSPEL is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.

SALVATION is the free gift given to all who believe by the sovereign grace of God alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, for the glory of God alone.

THE CHURCH is not a building, location, or service, but the people of God engaging the culture on the mission of God.

THE MISSION of the church is to make disciples who make disciples by proclaiming the gospel to everyone in the everyday, ordinary stuff of life. 

THE BIBLE is the inerrent word of God.  It is His revelation of Himself to humanity.  It is the story of God's grace extended to unworthy sinners.

WORSHIP is not just music or a service on a Sunday morning, but the entire life of the believer offered up to God who is worthy of all we have.

GATHERING together with other believers, not just on a Sunday morning, is a necessity in the life of a believer.  To know others and be known by them cannot be accomplished in an hour or so, during a service, one day a week.


*To learn more about what we believe, or if you have any questions, just drop us a message, give us a call, or come for a visit!